February 7, 2023
When you’re writing your wedding vows, it’s tempting to just wing it. We get it! It’s hard to find the right words to express your love and devotion for someone else—especially when you’re so excited, you don’t want to do anything but celebrate.
But your wedding vows are important. They’re going to be with you forever, so why not make them special?
Here are some tips for how to write wedding vows with meaning:
1) Don’t just wing it! Write down your thoughts beforehand and think about what you want to say in each section of your vows. You can use this as a guide while speaking on the big day.
2) Write down a list of themes that are important to both of you as a couple. Use these themes as an outline for your vows (and/or speeches). For example, if one of your themes is “freedom,” then maybe write something like: “Today we pledge ourselves to each other in all seasons and all settings—in sickness and health, through good times and bad.”
3) Personalize each vow by using the person’s name in at least one sentence or phrase throughout their speech (e.g., “I promise to always love and cherish you”).
4)Use personal references. If there’s something that makes this moment special for both of you (like a place or memory), then don’t be afraid to bring it up! It will only make your vows more meaningful if they contain details from your relationship together.
5) Use metaphors and similes—they help readers relate to what you’re saying on an emotional level without having them think too hard about what it means for themselves or their own relationship. For example: “You’re like my favorite book because each time I read it again, I discover something new.”
6) Don’t hold back! You don’t need to stay on script or keep everything PG-rated—this is YOUR day (and YOUR marriage), so do whatever feels right for YOU (and YOUR partner).
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